Just Us Girls

Just Us Girls

...one SMC's adventures in single motherhood.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

They were right.

Ugh. Having a cold IS harder when you're pregnant. I haven't been sick at ALL since last April-ish, not even a sniffle, so I guess my number was up.

And just in time for Christmas.

I hope this goes away quickly, because it SUCKS. Miserable doesn't even begin to describe it.


  1. Oh yuck, sorry to hear it. I hate being sick at Christmas...but imagine being pregnant would be worse because you can't medicate yourself into a fog. :)
    Merry Christmas, Heather.

  2. I hope you're better now! I know what you mean...came down with my first cold (since being preggo) yesterday...just in time for new year! Ah, well! Happy happy to you!
