Just Us Girls

Just Us Girls

...one SMC's adventures in single motherhood.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Down for the count.

Yep, we're sick. Both of us. I had a feeling it might happen soon, considering how many new germs we're both exposed to at the start of a new school year (and daycare year)! I think I caught my bug from K, but she's the one I'm more worried about right now.

I've been battling an upper respiratory thing and now, a cough, yet she's only had the sniffles and a slight cough last week. But last night she spiked a fever, and it was back again today. This afternoon around 4:00, her fever spiked all the way up to 102.9, which really freaked me out. She's never had a fever that high. But I immediately gave her the correct dosage of infant Tylenol, and it started to come down about a half hour later. I also have infant ibuprofen, but I'm a bit nervous because I've never given that to her before, though apparently it's okay now that she's over six months old. I might try it for her next dosage, which will be in about an hour. I called her pediatrician after the high fever, and the nurse gave me some very sound advice, as well as a 10:45 am appointment tomorrow morning, just to be safe. It's reassuring. I doubt she has an ear infection, but it's great to get her checked out nonetheless. My cold has knocked me flat, so I'm not surprised in the least that she had such a high fever. Goes to show that her body is fighting something.

I'll be so glad when we're both back to normal.


  1. Yuck! I hope you are both feeling better soon.
    O was sick a few weeks ago with a high fever and it was just awful not being able to fix it for him.

  2. Hope everything went well at the Dr this morning & that you're both on the mend soon.

  3. I hope you are both feeling much better! Fevers in little ones can get quite high--I know how scary that is!

  4. Now that it's been a few days, I hope you guys are feeling much better!!
