Just Us Girls

Just Us Girls

...one SMC's adventures in single motherhood.

Thursday, October 6, 2011


Wow, it's fun to be able to write that! I have a feeling, though, that it's going to be a looooooong two weeks.

The only glitch was the fact that I discovered that my insurance ompany has rejected covering the diagnostic work I had done prior to the iui, which they definitely covered 100 percent two years ago. My RE's office is sending it through again, but if it doesn't go through, I will owe over $600. That really sucks. I plan to fight my insurance company on that one.

But other than that, I'm so glad I got to do my iui today!!! And I didn't even have to take any portion of today's workday off. My coworker was willing to cover my first period class, and I was back right in the middle of my second hour planning period. It would have been nice to be able to take a half day and go home and lie down for a bit, but I doubt that it will affect possible implantation or anything like that. I did sit down as often as possible, and I'm glad I did since I felt pretty blech for the rest of the day. I had forgotten how much an iui affects your body...I tend to forget how much of an invasion it really is. But I'm sure I'll feel a bit better tomorrow.

Yay for PUPO!!! So excited!!!
THANK YOU everyone for your support and encouragement!!!!


  1. Just when I thought I had figured out all the SMC lingo, how does "PUPO" translate? It is always interesting scheduling IUIs when also teaching! Teaching is not a profession that lends easily to squeezing in a quick appointment, good thing you have such a supportive coworker!

  2. Yay! Congratulations and my fingers are crossed for you

  3. Yeah! Yeah! I'm so excited for you...keeping my fingers crossed for you.

  4. Congrats. I'll cross everything for you. Good luck!

  5. Middle school teachers are the best planners and schedulers! We can work anything in with a little creativity and help from our friends!

    Hope all is well today :)
